Interested in becoming a Bizstats member?

In return for submitting your sales data, Bizstats Broker Members receive access to our entire online database.


  • Access up to date Nationwide sales data
  • Reduce compliance risk relating to regulatory appraisal data requirements
  • Explore trends across industries, regions, and time


  • Must be an active, licensed Business Broker/Agency
  • Meet the minimum ongoing submission requirements (size dependent)

Member enquiry form

    Become a Bizstats Member in three simple steps

    1. Complete the new member enquiry form above
    2. Agree to our Information Sharing Principles
    3. Where practical, provide your historical sales data

    Membership costs are tiered and there’s no limit to the number of brokers from your team who can access our data. Keen to joining our growing network? Let us know!

    Frequently asked questions

    In return for contributing their sales data, broker members receive access to the entire Bizstats database through an online dashboard. This enables Members to search, analyse and export comparable data, a hugely valuable tool when undertaking appraisals.

    There is no limit to the number of brokers from any one agency who can access the Broker Dashboard.

    Bizstats charges an annual Data Partnership Fee based on the size of your brokerage. However, you can reduce or eliminate this fee by submitting verified business sales data—each submission earns a discount. This ensures that active contributors can access Bizstats at little to no cost while benefiting from the full database.

    New Zealand's only database of business sales statistics